Saturday, October 18, 2014


I believe I mentioned this before and there was some gentle sneering. But here in the Central Highlands of Arizona the trees truly are changing color.  Here is a selection of photos from my neighborhood in the foothills of the Bradshaw Mountains.

The last two are from a Maple tree directly in front of our house. Every day more and more of the leaves are turning red.

Yesterday was cool enough here that SWMBO finally broke down and turned on the furnace. Today it's sunny and warm and we have opened the doors and windows again.

Friday, October 17, 2014


I don't know about this week's Funnies . . . they seem to have a bit of an edge to them.  Oh, well, here goes.

Well, maybe something in this collection made you smile. Here's hoping you have a mirthful weekend and thanks to all my contributors.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Two of the best from the Wayback Machine - Steve Pascente and Howard Shepherd.  Wonderful guys from my Phoenix days in television news.  Both gone long before their time.

(Thanks to Mark Lewis for the photograph)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I couldn't resist sharing this.  Thanks, Meggy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


They seem to be stretching up toward the sky, asking "whatever happened to all that warm sunshine?"

I guess it's time to . . .

You just have to pardon me.  I've been playing around with the macro feature on my little camera.  Now that I figured out how to turn it on, it works pretty good.

I just have to figure out where it's focussing.  Like not on the flower I thought I was photographing but on the bristly stuff behind it.  And it's easier if the subject is still rather than moving gently in the breeze.

Stay tuned.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Yes, even in Arizona, autumn chill in the highlands is causing leaves to change colors.  I think, in my autumnal years, I'm starting to like the fall as the best season of the year.

Meantime, I'm keeping an eye on you.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


I recently visited a local store and bought some new socks.

I decided it was time to add some color to my life and these "Funky Socks" fit the bill.  After all, if George H.W. Bush (age 90) can do it, then so can I.

That little bit of skin showing is what is called "titillation".

I'll not titillate you further by showing pictures of my new colorful boxers.