Friday, March 13, 2009


I cooked tonight.

It has been some weeks.

I shopped for this meal a couple of weeks ago. Tonight, I finally did it.


Not veal, but chicken breast. Coupled with prosciutto and sage.

My gawd, it's wonderful.

Even SWMBO raved about it.

You could find a recipe on Google.

Try it.

Some changes

Some changes here at Oddball Observations, as reflected in "Da Gang" along the right margin.

I have re-found Miss Cellania and invite you to check out her great sense of humor. I'm not sure why I lost her. She used to be linked here but may have gotten lost when I got lost for awhile. But it's great to have her back.

I've also added Malicious Intent to the group, though she'll have to decide whether she wants you reading her blog or not. But she's pretty good about those things. I mean she let me in didn't she?

There are also some who have left "Da Gang", most notably Old Hoss, who recently moved on to that great blogland in the sky. Miss Cellania has a great "goodbye" to Gene here. (Scroll down a ways.) I agree with what she has had to say about him. He was one of a kind.

Let's all be careful out there.