Friday, September 28, 2012


Yesterday, as noted earlier, was the first day of the Yavapai County Fair in Prescott Valley, Arizona. 

First, an historical note.  "Yavapai" is a Native American word, pronounced YAV-uh-pie.  It was the name of a tribe of Yavapai Apaches who lived in this area long before the white man came.

But on to the fair.  I always love the garish colors.

This vendor, "Sassy Lil Thangs", is a prime example.  I didn't even look at her various tsochkes but the colors certainly do get one's attention.

When I go to the fair with SWMBO, I have no doubt what she wants to see.

Just like Hugh Hefner.  BUNNIES!

There are other critters present.

Geese and ducks. 

Incidentally, the critters were caged inside a huge tent covering that had a lot of red in it.  Hence the tint.

There was a turkey or two.

There were goats.

There was even a tiny (and very pregnant) dwarf goat.

And lots and lots of sheep.  (Sorry Dr. M, I neglected to photograph them.)

But rabbits is what SWMBO wanted and rabbits is what she got.  Lots and lots of rabbits.

Maybe I should have said lops and lops of rabbits.  There were many of this variety, called lop-eared or just lops because of the way their ears hang down.  The ears on the front bunny can't seem to decide which way they want to go.

This is a prime example of a lop.  Note the ears.

I liked this little mostly-white bunny with the very black ears.

So ends our trip to the fair.  Oh, we did go inside Tim's Toyota Center and looked at a quite large photography exhibit and many examples of student art.  And, though I was drawn, SWMBO doesn't care for the carnival and midway so we left and went instead to a local Mexican restaurant for beers and nachos.