Thursday, December 13, 2012


I've been having a lot of fun with my new car lately.  Today I got to use the windshield wipers for the first time because there was a light mist falling from the sky.

For those of you worried about the future . . .

For those of you worried about Santa . . .

For those of you worried about Arizona and it's notoriously loony governor, there is always Steve Benson of the Arizona Republic.  Hey!  This guy is a Pulitzer Prize winner!

For those of you worried about the BRD . . . (I don't know why anyone would worry about her!) . . .

She's the one on the far right.  Don't ask me what the boots and brooms were all about.  I think it was an excuse for "da girls" to get together and drink!

And for those who may have been worried about the reports that our good friend, DK, had turned 80 this year, worry no more.  The extremely good looking gal is on the right in this picture with her friend Melanie recently.

Oh, pshaw!  Just tell me I'm not full of the Christmas spirits . . er . . I meant to say "spirit".  Sure I did.

Speakin' of which, here's today's Gratuitous Critter picture.

"Jus' out here bayin' at the moon."