Saturday, June 14, 2014


Time to update life around the yards outside our home.

SWMBO had been referring to this as a holly bush, mainly because of the leaves.

But, having never seen a holly bush with blue berries before I did some searching on The Google.  I found one just like it and it is a Mahonia Aquifolium, otherwise known as an Oregon Grape.

The grapes are edible, though very tart.  I think we'll leave them as ornamentals.

By the way, the word "aquifolium" in the name means "holly-leaved", so I guess SWMBO wasn't that far off.

Now about our finches.  You may remember a couple built a nest atop a column under our front porch.  We've been keeping an eye on them and I'm happy to report there are four new babies.

Our view of the nest from our front window.

Somewhat closer.  Those are all chicks in that nest.

You can't really make them out but they are there.

And hungry.  Always hungry.

The eggs were hatched one day apart and we believe they hatched at about the same rate.  The baby with his mouth wide open, waiting for mother to return, is the oldest, we believe.

And no, we haven't named them.

Here's a short video of mom feeding her brood.  Just as she flies off, you can see several heads pop up, looking for more.  Unfortunately I wasn't expecting that so I turned the camera off just as they popped up.

Meanwhile in the back yard, our bird bath is loved by the finches. And a couple of Mountain Jays have also discovered it.

We also have bunnies.  Desert Cottontails is what they're called. One or two at a time come in to graze the weeds in the back yard.  Judy has put some carrot chunks out a couple of times and they love the treats.

Then she said "I think I need to put out a water dish for them."

I said "Oh, c'mon, they won't use it.  The Google says they get their water from the plants they eat."

So, who won that argument?

I don't call her SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) for nuthin', folks.