Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today's Throwback Thursday isn't really about me.  Have patience, you'll see.

Three young buddies enjoying my dog, Honey, outside the home I grew up in, Stanley, North Dakota.  Left to right, Jim Burbidge, Me, Jerome Larson.  I don't know the year or their ages.

A little later.  Me and Jim (now wearing glasses) and a stringer of perch at Lake Carlyle in Saskatchewan, Canada.

This one I'm sure of.  April 24, 1951.  My 11th birthday.  My pal, Jim, waits to help me devour the cake.

Many years later, just a few years ago.  Me and Jim at a reunion of former residents of Stanley held annually in Mesa, Arizona.  Wow, the beards are both white!

And finally, just a few days ago, Jim celebrating his 75th birthday. In Portugal!  Way to go, Jimbo, and once again . . Happy Birthday.

I think we've both had pretty good runs.