There are many ravens in this part of Arizona. Many people mistake them for crows but there is a distinct difference.
This one was perched on a light fixture when I passed by. He was so brazen as to stay there even as I stopped and took his picture from only a few feet away.
Inside the community center I showed the photo to the young lady working the desk and she told me it was one of a pair that apparently have roosted on the roof. She said she had looked up ravens in a text and learned that they are generally monogamous and mate for life.
That can mean around 20 years for ravens in the wild though the famous birds that live at the Tower of London have been known to live for 40 years. I remember seeing them there and hearing that because of the lore that if they ever leave the British Empire will fall the ravens wings are clipped so they can't fly away.
Our ravens, with their loud calls, seem to have no inclination to leave.
No. Nevermore.