Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The grill was fired up again last night. And for those of you who say you don't like asparagus you have to try it grilled.

Accompanying it were marinated and grilled mahi-mahi.

The remainder of the marinade, also used to baste the fish while grilling.

My dinner plate. That's a brown rice-quinoa mix with the fish and 'sparagus.

I've said it so often I'm a bit red-faced to say it again but . . . yummers!


To those of you anxiously awaiting this week's Tuesday Travels post I apologize. In the furor and frustration over two trips to the computer repair office yesterday I forgot to post it. So, fans of my short shorts of 1988, here's the latest installment.

And to you snide commenters (you know who you are) making references to the length of my shorts, just you wait 'til I start posting my Speedo pictures!