This is what the back yard looked like when I rose from the Arms of Morpheus at about 7:30 this morning.
And you can't see it real well in my pictures but it was still snowing.
For awhile it was a white-out beyond the wall.
The snow cat was nearly submerged and the bird bath was not looking inviting to our neighborhood flock.
The BRD lives in Prescott, a couple of hundred feet higher than where we live.
She gets a little more snow than we do and sent a picture taken from just outside her front door this morning.
I had a late morning doctor appointment and found the streets and the highway nearly clear of snow.
But some earlier rises hadn't had that luck. I counted three vehicles off the road and apparently stuck in the snow.
Meanwhile the StoneRidge Community resources were on full alert and when you live in a hilly, golf course community I guess these signs are necessary.
But this is Arizona and by 1 p.m. the sun had come out for awhile and my back yard was getting back to its normal appearance.
As the late great Harry Chapin used to sing "All my life's a circle, sunrise and sundown."