Friday, May 5, 2017


Yea, though I walk through the valley of shadows of packed boxes and empty cabinets, I shall fear no evil for I have the FRIDAY FUNNIES to comfort me!
(with apologies to King David)

Well, with that bit of irreverence out of the way, how ya doin', Gentle Readers?

I hope your week has been fruitful and without the stress seen around the (very) old Catalyst's empire.

Regardless, I hope you're ready for some light entertainment.

First of all think back to your high school days.

(Don't worry, I can wait.)

Remember those starry nights filled with romance as you danced around the floor with the girl of your dreams in your arms?

Well, Gentle Readers, times have changed.

And all those guys in Silicon Valley called it progress, right?

(Yes, I know it says "women" where it should have said "woman".  Don't blame me.)

Wow!  There are some really bad drivers out there, aren't there?

With that happy(?) thought I shall bid you adieu for another week amid wishes that you have an incredibly fine weekend, full of joy and (as always) laughter.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Hey, I'm just sayin', "Maybe he's not as friendly as you think.")