Maybe I should just stick to The Old Familiar.
At any rate, Gentle Readers, the temperature only just climbed into the 70's as of 9 a.m. so I guess autumn is upon us.
Today's edition of the Funnies may answer the question: what is the best way to be photographed posing next to a statue.
Or not.
Here goes . . .
Several of the posers favored a violent confrontation.
While Political Correctness seems to be the law of the land these days, it was refreshing for this old codger to see that there are still some sassy females around.
I give a Hat's Off to all these inventive models.
What was your favorite?
Now if you're laughing already, that's a great way to start an inspiring and perhaps slightly salty weekend.
Keep laughing.
Here, kitty-kitty . . .