Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Apparently it's my own fault.

I allowed it to happen.

I kind of wish I hadn't.

It's about my window directly in front of me looking out onto the bird bath.

You see, our cats don't get to go outside.

Oh, Blackwell will violate that rule if he gets a chance to sneak past us.

We call him our escape cat.

But he has a fascination with the great outdoors and can spend long periods of time at a window.

And then there's the single-minded love he seems to have for me.

At least that's what SWMBO believes.

He does follow me around the place, seeking a lap whenever I sit down.

So he began jumping up with a quick stop on the edge of my desk to sit in the window in front of my computer screen.

He stays there as long as I am tap-tap-tapping away on my keyboard.

I had to call his name to get him to turn around for the photo above.

He gazes at the yard, chitters at some of the birds though not all of them, and maybe dozes in the sun.

Well the desk I work at is quite small and he occasionally uses my arm as a launching pad.

This morning I got tired of his presence and chased him away.

But he was lurking, preparing to jump up again.

So I needed something to block his path.

And I found it.

The Guard Panda!

Blackwell sulked off to his spot on SWMBO's bed.

At least for the time being.

P.S.  He missed a great show when three, count 'em, three fat doves all arrived at the bird bath at the same time.

I'll bet his mouth would still be watering.