Thursday, November 15, 2018


This is my wife's daughter, also known on this blog as the BRD or Beautiful Rich Daughter.

Now why, you might ask, does she have that blissful grin on her face?

Because, you see, she is an artist in many genres and she is taking an art break.

In Scottsdale, where the 2018 Canal Convergence is going on for another four nights, the last of a 10 day run of performance, light, music and temporary art on and around a canal running through the city.

You can learn more about the event by going here and be sure to view the video.

But that's after the sun goes down which leaves all day for exploring.

So the BRD toured the MIM, Scottsdale's highly regarded Musical Instrument Museum.

So no wonder she's smiling.

I texted her that with those rose-colored glasses and the jeans with the knees carefully frayed she looked like a rock star.

Her reply?

"Hey!  I do rock!!!"

Yes you do, girl, yes you do.