Monday, April 29, 2019


Down here in Paradise, er, Arizona, we like our Springs to be warm and balmy and paradisiacal.

You can look that word up in the dictionary.

There will be a picture of Arizona.

But sometimes, here in the Central Highlands, the weather takes a turn to the nasty side.

Such was today and especially right now at 7:21 in the evening.

(That's Mountain STANDARD Time.  None of that Daylight "Saving" Time for us!)

The temperature dropped some 20 degrees from yesterday's very pleasant 80 to the low 60's much of today and raindrops spat in our faces much of the day.

It didn't really rain.

It just kinda spattered.

But this evening's wind and spattering rain is highly unpleasant to we lovers or spring warmth.

So we cower in our toasty homes and wait for the dragon to stop teasing and testing us with his frosty breath.

It will begin warming again tomorrow as this unwelcome visitor exits to New Mexico.

(They deserve it for calling themselves The Land of Enchantment.)

Once again by the weekend we shall be at the proper 80 degree setting for this time of year.

Meanwhile I can hear my friend Mike up in Montana sniggering.

So I sent him this cartoon today.

And, my friends, that's the way it is . . . Monday, April 29th, 2019.

Friday, April 26, 2019


Ah, Gentle (and sometimes Secret) Readers in a week that saw me begin my 80th(!) perambulation around Old Sol, I can't think of a better time to get our minds off of that subject and onto some lighter fare.

Hence, The Friday Funnies.

Well, if the goal was to get my mind off my age that was certainly a failure.

Maybe one more try.

Okay.  I'll quit.

Just take this reminder for the remainder of the week, avoid being razzed, rattled or rebuked; shun all reversals; be careful with romance, on the alert for roues; respect your revolutionary impulses; and have a great weekend!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(I'll bet I know which one it will be.)

Thursday, April 25, 2019


My thanks go out to all of my family, friends, acquaintances, strangers and lurkers who took a moment to wish me a happy birthday yesterday.

It's nice for this old geezer to be recognized.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I had another birthday today.

How long will this go on ? ? ? ?

But seriously, the BRD took Judy and I (and her Beau Jack) to lunch and we had a great time.

Let's do this again next year.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


I've never been to New Orleans but the BRD has many times and shared some of her photos.

For instance a meeting between the Navy and some bikers in the French Quarter.

And, always of interest to me, the dining.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019


Let's see, this is the week the Notre-Dame cathedral burned and the Mueller Report was released.

And today commemorates the day Jesus was crucified.

How was *your* week?

Let us try to lift your spirits.

All you good people have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter.

Here, kitty-kitty . .

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Spring time brings on the mating season among our avian friends.

But before Mr. Robin can go wooing he must present himself in his best light.

So he begins by taking a bath.

In his case, it's more of a shower bath.

(Full screen gives you the best picture)

Monday, April 15, 2019


The BRD passed one of those magical dates last week.

It hardly seems possible that the 16 year old high school girl I met way back then could be this age.

But she marked the date with her friends at a party Saturday night at the home she shares with Beau Jack.

We weren't able to attend but her friend C.J. sent us a picture of the birthday girl and a big card with the youngest picture we were able to find of her.

I don't know what happened to the photo of her as a baby taking a bath in a dish pan!

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Robins have a reputation of having a nasty attitude.

This one, who has been dominating the activity around our bird bath recently, scaring off finches, doves, even a bluejay, certainly seems like he's ready to take on all comers, perhaps including me.

Remember this?

Friday, April 12, 2019


Oh, this week has gone by so fast.

Actually they all seem to have sped up nowadays.

I wonder if that is old age talking.

Well, whatever it is I'm going to ignore it and get on with the funny flavors of this Friday.

See it's "the early bird gets . . . "

Oh, heck, I shouldn't have to explain these to you Gentle Readers.

But now jazzmen and jimply jezebels, it's time to gather your jujubes for a jaundiced Jello mold, join together in a joyful jumble and don't be jumbucks but jump up in your jammies and . . . have a wonderful weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Thursday, April 11, 2019


Today is a very special birthday for a very special girl - the BRD, for Beautiful Rich Daughter.

Judy's daughter, who has reached an indeterminate age.

This is how she looked back in the day when she visited us in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico, where we were living at the time.

I think you can see how I came up with the nickname for her.

I'm not sure this next picture was during the same trip.

Could have been earlier.

Could have been later.

But by the grins on the faces of her escorts, I think they would agree with that nickname, or at least part of it.

I'm not sure what the role of these Mexican "officers" was or if their guns were even loaded.

But they were kind to pose for this "wanted" poster.

Anyway, for Gayle, it's another circling of the sun today.

Happy birthday, dear heart.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Do you see those little seeds on the branches of the tree outside my window?

When I noticed them recently I said to SWMBO, "Ah the tree will be leafing out soon."

And a few days later I thought I had been proved correct.

She has since corrected me.

"Those are the flowers," she said, "and they will all fall off.  Then the leaves will come."


Have they ever fallen off.

They nearly fill the bird bath every morning.

And they litter the outdoor carpeting and the doormat, waiting to be tracked into the house.

But soon, I am told by the Master Gardener, that blasted tree . . . whatever it is* . . . will be covered with nice green leaves.

*Maybe some of you other gardeners out there can tell us what kind of tree it is.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Judy and I were married 48 years ago today.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Cancun is a nice vacation destination.

Except for those very sunny beach days for
fair-skinned tourists.