Friday, May 17, 2019


Just a short addendum to the Funnies because several items are news today.

1.  Mick Jagger is dancing again after having heart surgery.  

The U.S. tour has been rescheduled starting next month and ending in August, including a stop in Glendale, Arizona!

This was two days ago as Jagger was rehearing his moves.

2.  Of sadder news, Arizona's famous Grumpy Cat has died at the age of 7.  

Apparently from complications of a urinary tract infection.  

Shed a tear.

3.  And finally, something to celebrate.

It's May 17th.



Once again, have a great weekend.


To all of you who have encouraged the continuation of these weekly attempts to foist some humor into a dark world I offer my humble thank you.

So lessee, where do we begin?

Lemmee put on my specs and inspect the inventory.

And with that, I shall make my departure.

Dang it all, you, dames, damozels and dudes . . . don't be dejected, dazed or dizzy.  I shall return in just days to differentiate from your dissatisfaction and dolor.

In the meantime, have a delicious weekend and always remember: Keep Laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .