Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Today's post is thanks to my great friend, Lori from Seattle.

She emailed these (and more) this morning and got my day off to a gay (in the old meaning) start.

You've all probably seen the commercial on t.v. where a guy parks, then moves his fancy new convertible out from under some pooping pigeons only to have a construction crew dump wet cement all over it.

Well, guess what.

It actually happens in real life.

And it's hardening.

Equally as bad is carrying paint cans in your car when you might have a collision.

Or you might take a wrong turn and end up in hot (or cold) water.

It seems even the police are in danger of the results of bad driving decisions.

You know that old expression about being hit like a ton of bricks?

Note the driver is still stuck in his cab.

I wonder if this next guy was.

Or this guy.

Sometimes your load may be too heavy for sudden stops, or is it lurches?

Then there are some road repairs to be driven mindlessly into.

But, you know, accidents can happen even off the road.

And some times it's the pedestrians, standing a little too close to the road on a rainy day.

Happy Motoring, everyone, and thanks again to Seattle Lori!