Wednesday, November 27, 2019


The holidays are a time to bring out some time-honored recipes.

SWMBO has some that are favorites, like her Red Pepper Jelly.

To begin . . .

. . . some big beautiful red bell peppers . . .

. . . chopped up and combined with the juice of some lemons . . .

. . . in the food processor . . .

. . . where they are pureed and then strained . . .

. . . and then boiled and stirred on the stovetop with a generous slash of sugar, some red wine vinegar, a little of the strained juice, pectin and a surprise ingredient this year: a slosh of Sambal Indonesian hot sauce to give it a little kick.

The eventual jelly is poured into glasses and topped with some melted paraffin and cooled.

Kind of looks like Christmas, doesn't it?