Friday, December 13, 2019


The end of another frightful week has come and we can now turn to the joyful side.

Oh, no, it's Friday the 13th.

Did we ever need the funnies more?

Well maybe last week and the week before and . . .

Okay, let us begin.

There now, feeling better?

Time to get back to trimming the tree, baking cookies and candy and other stuff you'd never eat, finishing the Christmas cards, attending the kids' and grandkids' holiday extravaganzas, last minute shopping, and wrapping presents.

Meanwhile, I'll just lean back in my recliner and watch "It's A Wonderful Life" for the umpteenth time.

Whatever is your wont, have a wonderfully warm weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(awwwww . .)