Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Back in the day when I was skinny, had dark hair, a reddish beard.

Sometime in the late 1980's in Guadalajara, Mexico.


That's over 30 years ago!

Check out that computer and that monitor with green letters on a black screen.

Would it have been a Commodore 64?

I can't remember.

But I remember that cat.

Our beloved Chulapay (Mexican slang for Cutie Pie).

She loved the warmth from that lamp.

I was, as usual, into a vodka and water it appears.  

What you can't see is my ashtray and pack of cigarettes.

Ah, those were the days.

I had lunch yesterday at the Pie Place with a couple of colleagues from my days in Phoenix television news.

After hearing many of the tales of our rollicking times, I said then and I say now as I look at the photo above, "How in hell did we survive to our present old age?"

It's a mystery.