Monday, March 30, 2020


2020 style setter.

So how's it going at your house?

The wife and the kids still there?

This self quarantining stuff is for the birds after awhile.

It's gotten to be so bad around here that I'm thinking of actually taking a walk around the neighborhood.

(Wooh. Better sit down and rest a bit before that idea takes hold.)

I've been pretty much holed up for a week now.

But tomorrow's the big day: I get to go sit in my car in the parking lot at the grocery store while someone loads groceries into my trunk.

SWMBO hasn't been out of the house since she had lunch with her daughter more than two weeks ago.

And I think it's starting to wear on her.

But never fear.  

As long as we still have our sense of humor we shall survive.

Take care of yourselves, friends and neighbors.