Saturday, November 28, 2020


 I was doing some preparatory work in the kitchen this morning prior to making a loaf of bread when I heard this repeated little chirp.

I glanced around the kitchen and could see no appliance or clock making that noise.

But then I heard it again.

This time I went to the door of SWMBO's room to see if she was listening to something on her computer.


So, back to the kitchen, thinking maybe the kids next door were playing outside and that was what I was hearing.

Then I began to hear a louder sound, a clattering that I soon discovered was coming from the door to the garage.

Thinking perhaps Santa Claus was making a reconnaisance run I went over and opened the door.

A very puffy, cold Matty, the cross-the-street neighbor's cat, ran into the house!

He apparently had gone in our garage when I had the door open last night and I never saw him.

He had spent the night in our garage!

He was obviously glad to be rescued and to see one of his human friends again as he rubbed and rubbed on my legs.

Judy said to give him an extra dose of cat treats and then put him out so he can go home.

He got his treats and then went into the garage (which now had the big door open) but he was hesitant.

I walked to the doorway with him and he looked around but then when I headed back in he beat me to the door!

So I let him in again and then walked to the slider door in Judy's room.

That's the door he usually uses as he enters our home.

He went to it, looked out, sniffed the air and turned around.

He was not ready to leave yet.

So we went back to the living room and I gave him some catnip in front of the fireplace and he ate some and rolled around in the rest.

And now he's on our couch, which is where he takes his naps.

He'll probably be there most of the day.

Our friend Matty.