Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 I went to an actual barber shop (hair salon) today and got a haircut.

My first outside the home in over a year.

Not that I had locks clear down my back.

SWMBO has been doing yeoman job whenever the tresses got long enough for her to barf.

But she said the other day "I want you to go and get a professional haircut", so . . . tomorrow being a big day* . . . I did.

Here is the result.

Actually not bad, I think, for a guy nearing his 81st trip around the sun.

And, as you may be able to see, it's time for ALOHA SHIRTS once again in sunny Arizona!

So I'm happy, SWMBO is happy, there is joy in the world.

(About that * above - you'll find out tomorrow.)