Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 If you were one of the very kind people who happened by this blog a couple of days ago and read about my first meeting with Judy some decades ago, thank you for your many kind words.

As the title of this post states, all those years later we're still together and I'm still smitten by this lovely lady.

And as I'm about to show you, she apparently knew how good she looked in those black turtlenecks because they remained a staple of her wardrobe through the years.

When we were living in Guadalajara, Mexico in 1990, our friend Walter Nixon was quite obviously taken with her appearance too.

Walter produced some beauty himself - he was the father of the actress Cynthia Nixon.

Several years later we had moved back to the U.S.A. but had made a return trip to Mexico to visit friends.

Once again, Judy had donned a black turtleneck and was showing her affection for one of many cats that turned up in our lives.

She'll scold me for showing the next photo but I had to post it, of a much older couple giddy on possibly too much good wine.

The sweaters are still there though mine has gone to gray at this point.

Finally, speaking of alcohol abuse, I'm taking you back to Mexico, some time in the late 1980's, to a somewhat zany New Year's Eve celebration in a hotel in Guadalajara.

Oh look!

The black turtlenecks had disappeared and we were both in white!

But she was still beautiful and I was still smitten.

And judging by that chapeau on my head, the margaritas were working their magic.