Temperatures are rising here in the Desert Southwest.
As my lovely wife pointed out yesterday it's still Spring.
Summer doesn't officially begin for another couple of weeks.
But it's 11 o'clock in the morning here in the Central Highlands of Arizona and already 88 degrees Fahrenheit.
For you folks on the metric scale that's a tad over 31 degrees Celsius.
It's hot, folks.
So what's your poor Catalyst to do?
Perhaps head to an ocean wearing a tee shirt emblazoned "Young Life"?
Nyaaah, too old for that now.
Perhaps relax in a reclining chair at the beach in Mazatlan with a bikini-clad lovely in the background.
Heck, I didn't even notice her back then.
And, as I remember, it was hot there, too.
Maybe a trip over to Oak Creek Canyon near Sedona to get a close-up view of a burbling stream.