Monday, August 22, 2022


 My wife, Judy, aka SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed), is fond of snorting at my occasional fascination with numbers and strange dates.

Like February 2nd or February 22nd of this year.

You see, they can be illustrated as 2-2-22 or 2-22-22.

And I find that fascinating.

She . . . not so much.


BUT, I say.

She just came to me with some numbers written on a piece of paper to remind her of something or other and said, "Look at this!"

I did and failed to see anything weird or strange or fascinating about it.

Here's my calendar page for the day.

I didn't see anything weird or strange or fascinating about it.

That is until she . . . (I did tell you her avatar on this blog is She Who Must Be Obeyed, didn't I?) . . . that is until she explained it to me.

See you can abbreviate the date to 8-22-22.

And if you add up all those 2's you come up with the date of the month preceding them.

Well, that IS fascinating.

At least to me, a guy who likes numbers.

(Thank you, ma'am.)