Friday, March 3, 2023


 We made it.

We got through that snowstorm alive.

It was a struggle.

I saw one place on the web that said the courthouse in downtown Prescott got 16 inches of snow!

I guess we were lucky where I live then.

Supposedly only 5 inches fell here.

But yesterday, the same day that we woke to all that snow, it was sunny and in the upper 30's and much of it melted away.

So it's Friday and time for some Funnies.

And in keeping with the weather this week let's start with this one.

All right.  Consider yourselves amused.

Now the rest is up to you, i.e. have yourselves a simply grand weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . oh, he's occupied with that mouse again . . )