Sunday, April 16, 2023


 Last Friday morning I decided to try broiling a couple of eggs in our muffin tin.

The first time I opened the oven door I was met with a cloud of smoke.

SWMBO estimates that muffin tin had been with us for a few decades and maybe it's time to throw the relic out.

I gladly leaped at her suggestion and did a bit of searching on-line before suggesting that now they had ones made out of silicon that made baking and exiting the pan as easy as A, B, C.

She said she thought they might be difficult to get into the oven if they were loaded with something sort of liquid and suggested maybe to just get the silicon-coated non-stick metal pan.

So I went to the store before she could change her mind and came home with this.

Yup, it's flexible silicon but it has a metal framework that holds it steady when being put in or taken out of the oven.

SWMBO quickly agreed to my great wisdom in buying it, even though she noted it was the most expensive one in the store.

But then she sent me to the kitchen with instructions to inaugurate it, especially since we had some blueberries in the fridge that were getting close to going bad.

Well, I am never one to turn up my nose at homemade blueberry muffins.

Here's a couple of pictures of the result. (And, BTW, the new pan worked great!)