Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 Seems like I've been writing too much recently about old age and death.

So today I'm going to change the tone.

We have a new member of our family.

Yup, we've got a cat again.

After Blackwell and Muggles passed over the Rainbow Bridge, She Who Must Be Obeyed said "That's it. No more cats. We're too old."

Of course, Matty the Rental Cat didn't know that and just moved in, paying frequent visits to our home and delighting us with his friendliness and his antics when he got into the catnip.

BTW, I saw some of that in a store yesterday only it was carrying a brand name of Meowijuana!

But anyway, we've been in our new home since last September and in spite of seeing a number of cats in the neighborhood, none had come by for a visit.

And Judy's resistance was growing ever more weak.

Then the Beautiful Rich Daughter and Certified Cat Lady told her that many older cats are looking for homes with older, quieter families and said she'd put her in touch with some adoption sites.

I asked her (Judy) if she was sure about this since she had been so firm only a few years ago that we would not do this again.

Yesterday we went to a pet store and within an hour came home with that cutie above.

They told us her name was Squeakers, which neither one of us liked.

I told Judy that I had named almost all of the cats we had "owned" before so she could name this one.

It quickly became Sweetie and that name seems to fit her better.

She's 7 years old and weighs only 7-and-a-half pounds.

We were amazed at how quickly she became attached to us and how relaxed she was in her new surroundings.

So once again we are a Cat Family.

And I mean that seriously.

It is obvious that Sweetie wasn't adopted by us.

She adopted us.