And a less-cropped version.
I remember a while back a neighbor of ours standing at the edge of his roof with a long pole and some kind of chopper device at the end of it, lopping branches off that "tree" in the lower left of the above photo.
I remember thinking, "that crazy fool is going to fall off that roof!"
But he didn't, just leaving the scars of his work on that growth.
Speaking of which, you might be pleased to hear that Judy is progressing fairly well, though she may not think so.
But she said yesterday she was able to put some weight on the leg in which she had a knee replacement surgery one week before.
And do it without pain!
Then she went for her first PT session, had a rough night last night and is taking it much easier today.
But she's moving better and, take it from me, progress is definitely being made.
As a reward, I'm baking a loaf of her favorite whole wheat bread with dried cranberry pieces embedded in it.
Well actually the bread machine is doing most of the work.
But I got it started!