We had a great visit today with a nephew, his daughter and her husband.
I'm ashamed to say that I had never met Misha, our Great Grand Niece.
We had a nice lunch (thanks, Larry) and caught up on some family history.
I had meant to take pictures but, typical of this senile Senior Citizen, I forgot.
When I remembered we had parted company and were back home.
So I sent a message to Misha asking for a photo of the three of them.
Amazingly fast, I got this back.
They didn't even get out of the car!
I hope they pulled over!
Left to right, our nephew Larry, his daughter Misha, her husband Dan.
At our lunch, I told Misha I had asked the Almighty Google if she was a grand niece or a great niece.
A.G. told me either one was proper.
But I said I thought I would refer to her as my Great Grand Niece.
She's a great person but after all, as I told my wife, she IS from North Dakota.