Thursday, January 25, 2024


 My wife's affection for the English Muffin Bread that you've seen and heard about many times goes way back to when we were living in Mexico in the 1980's.

At that time we couldn't find her beloved English Muffins there.

Somewhere we landed a recipe for the bread loaf duplicating the flavor and texture.

She began making it and somewhere along the line I took over.

It is made with 5 cups of All-Purpose Flour.

But then SWMBO suggested switching some of that white flour for whole wheat flour, to make it healthier and also to get the flavor she preferred.

So, in the Taylor Family Bakery, it is now made with 3 cups of All-Purpose (white) Flour and two cups of Whole Wheat Flour.

She likes it better and that's what counts.

Here's a photo of a partially sliced loaf.

She always toasts her pieces, much as I suppose English Muffins are always toasted.

Now you may be wondering how I got that layering of the whole wheat and the white flour, as apparently is shown in that last sliced piece.

The fact of the matter is *I don't*.

That's merely a shadow caused by your favorite baker and photographer leaning between the light and the subject.

You might call it what it is: a rookie mistake.