Sorry, my friends, for leaving you in the lurch Friday.
It's a long story.
It began Wednesday evening when I had consumed three drinks and a quantity of wine at dinner.
Later I stepped outside, either blacked out or tripped and fell to the pavement, striking my head and leaving a good bit of blood in the driveway.
Friends who were next door were summoned by my wife and rushed over and got me to my feet, then parked me in Judy's Rollator and then called 911.
The fire department and a crew from an ambulance company came and I was put on a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance.
Judy said I was talking to her but the only memory I have from when I walked out the door was when I was loaded into the ambulance.
Some of the examination at the hospital I may remember and then a doctor telling me I had a brain bleed and they were sending me by ambulance to a hospital in Phoenix.
I spent a couple of days in the I.C.U., undergoing various tests, and another 36 hours or so in a regular room.
I remember one doctor telling me two drinks a night should be my limit.
I remember another technician telling me a surgeon had ruled it was not necessary to operate on my head.
And I remember doing a lot of soul searching, though the doctors and nurses and technicians who took care of me probably would doubt that, as my constant sense of humor took over and I refused most of the time to take my situation seriously.
My wife's daughter, aka The BAD, brought her down to the big city three times, including today when they brought a slightly remorseful appearing jackass home.
Some changes will be made in my life, even though I am 84.
But never fear, the Friday Funnies will continue.
Next week.