Yes, fiendish friends, we're down to the brink.
Only one more day until Halloween.
Now whether you are a true traditionalist and have your home decorated inside and out with jack-o-lanterns and skeletons and gauzy fabric mimicking spider webs and imitation black cats and ghouls and vampires . . . or whether you're like me, hiding in a darkened back room until it's all over . . . it's a great time to overdo your candy crushes.
I read somewhere this past week that Reese's Pieces are the favored candy given out on Halloween Night in most of the United States. I'm not a fan.
Of course, there are a lot of pumpkin recipes that we'll be seeing from now until Thanksgiving next month, if not beyond.
They include cheesecakes, bars and other cookies of all makes, as well as the traditional pumpkin pies.
Years ago I became family-famous for my pumpkin cheesecake but I haven't made it in ages.
Maybe this year.
You could tell me of your Halloween traditions as well as your favored pumpkin recipes, if you have either.
In the meantime, I wish you great fun (or not) tomorrow night and a warning: don't eat too much sugary wonderfulness.
Now here's something to perhaps give you pause.