Thursday, November 14, 2024


These have nothing at all to do with each other but since I have posted pretty infrequently this week, I thought I'd show you what's been entertaining me.

Yesterday as I sat in the lobby of our cardiologist's office waiting for my wife to finish her appointment, I was struck by a reflection in the huge windows looking out over Prescott.

It's that rectangular loop with the circular spots over it.

To my mind it suddenly looked like an invasion from Mars.

You know, UFO's and all that tommyrot.

I believe it's just lights over my head but . . .

Then there's my longtime friend and long-ago colleague, Ron Talley.

That's not his real last name, by the way, but it's how he was known when we worked together in television news in Phoenix.

He's been spending a few weeks in Spain and he wrote that years ago when he was in Morocco he bought a fez in Fez.

Currently since he needed a haircut, he visited a barber in Seville.

His wife recorded the event for posterity.

MY wife said "Even with all that white hair, he's a handsome guy!"

A few minutes ago I spotted my candidate for a handsome guy.

For any herpetophobiacs* out there, let me quickly tell you that he is NOT inside the house.

He's crawled up between the screen and the glass window.

SWMBO, who as you know has knowledge of everything, said "He's looking for a warm place to spend the winter!"

Judging by the look of his mid-section, I'd say he's been stocking up for the winter too!

So there's a window into my little world.

--- *herpetophobiac is someone with a fear of lizards, snakes and other reptiles.