Tuesday, May 1, 2018


It's been quite awhile since we've seen a cat in our yard, with the exception of Maddy, who likes to snooze under the bushes and trees in front.

But this morning . . .

. . . look who showed up.

Our neighbor across the street has a black cat but he/she wears a collar while this one doesn't.

But he sure seems tame.

When I brought Blackwell's attention to him he didn't bat an eye.

In fact, he displayed how much fear he had of this big bulky home-protector by turning his back.

This seemed to drive Blackwell a bit into a frenzy as he crouched and glared.

There are no more pictures (HEY, I heard that sign of relief!) but when the interloper headed over toward the glass slider in the other room, Blackwell raced over there and stood only a foot or two from him pawing heedlessly at the barrier.

And when the dark stranger moved off around the side of the house, Blackwell ran to the kitchen window where he got one last glance.

If ours was an "outside" cat the two of them probably would have a scrap, then make up and run off together.

But an hour or so later, Blackwell is resting comfortably on my bed from his bout of nervous exhaustion.

And life (as we know it) goes on.


  1. Black with green eyes - beautiful!

  2. Loose cats in AZ = Coyote Lunch. Big bobcat in backyard's over here = poodle lunch.

  3. Great shot of the two cats looking at each other! I think you coined a new name for the visitor-
    Dark Stranger.

  4. I think Blackwell has more street cred...with that notch in his ear.

  5. I looove the pic of black stranger cat drinking and I love your cat reports. Blackwell is a Top Dude. Please convey my best regards to him.

  6. Look how similar they are! Blackwell must be thinking, "My long-lost twin!"

  7. (I just noticed you titled your post "Twins" so my observation isn't all that impressive, is it? LOL!)
