Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Here's my sparse two cents for the day.

Webb Chiles has updated his blog with the story of his 2,500 nautical mile journey from Durban, South Africa, to St. Helena island.

If you're so inclined, you can read it here.

On the home (and culinary) front, I bought a dozen goodies from The Samosa Lady last week.

My provider is the one on the left in this old picture taken at the square in Prescott.

She shows up at the Prescott Valley Farmers Market.

I had never tried samosas before and got a couple of free tastes and then bought half a dozen with chorizo filling and another half dozen stuffed with egg and potato.

They were frozen and we had some of them the other night after heating them in the oven.

Very tasty.

Sorry, no photos.

I gave the Russian Rocketman Sage its annual spring haircut yesterday, trimming it back to the ground.

It looks a bit like a disaster area in its ring of rocks this morning but it will grow back quickly, probably taller than ever.

SWMBO loaded the debris into the dumpster and did some other weeding in the driveway and that was the end of our exertion for the day.

We sat in the warm sunshine a bit and reminisced about days gone by when we could do a lot more.

So it goes.