Friday, February 5, 2021


 Judy and I got our first Covid vaccine shots yesterday.

She had a headache last night but we don't know if that was a reaction or not.

I had no reaction.

So it's a Friday for celebrating.

Well, not quite.

Our second shots are four weeks away.

I asked one of the ladies if, when I've received the second one, I could then go out and play in the traffic again.

She looked concerned and said, "Just be careful."

I think perhaps she needs a dose of my weekly humor injection.

How about you folks?

And with that, I just want, once again, to thank all of the contributors to these Friday potpourris of prescriptive provocation.

You know who you are.

Now without dancing in the streets, partying in groups, or otherwise pandering to your pent-up impulses, have yourselves a "Super" weekend and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .