Tuesday, September 5, 2023

C or F?

Just a couple of thoughts today about the differences between we (supposedly) enlightened people here in the U.S. of A. and all of the troglodytes in the rest of the world.

Yes, it's the problems caused by the refusal of most of the so-called Enlightened World Citizenry to switch over from the old Metric System to the very modern Imperial System.

But the U.S. is not the only place where the Metric System is considered outdated.

There's Liberia.

And Myanmar.

And . . . and . . . and . . .

Well I guess that's about it.

So we argue and correct each other and so on and so forth ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

But it didn't start with us.

It went back to the founders.


  1. If it's not broke, don't fix it. I'll keep my inches and feet, grams and liters, too.

  2. The metric system is way more logical and well, as you pointed out, pervasive. Wasn't there a huge boondoggle (?) when NASA was using the wrong measuring system--cost some millions of dollars?

  3. In my working life I used both, and never had an issue. IV's are liters, temps are farenheit, lesions are cm or mm, wt is pounds. No reason not to have and use both.

  4. I admit, the metric system flummoxes me. Yards, inches, pounds and ounces for me, old-fashioned as that may be! Praying it doesn't change while I am still around. My old brain would not be able to stand it.

  5. The only time I use pounds is when talking about how much someone weighs. I can't seem to get that in kilos. Everything else is metric for me.
    I like the cartoons. It was 33˚C here today - not sure what that is in ˚F!

  6. I cannot get metric in my brain, too help me God. I know its all about zero and ten.

  7. You should all adopt the Celsius method, 43 sounds cooler than 109. On the other hand the winter temps could prove tricky. 64 sounds a lot warmer than 18 so there is that to consider.

  8. I wonder why the US pint is different....so the gallon is smaller too.
    Metric is far easier!

  9. The American reluctance to move on is perplexing. Back when we went metric sometime around 1980, we were expecting the US to do the same. Had we known that it wouldn't happen, I wonder if we would have changed.

    I am fairly comfortable in both systems but a little more so in Imperial.

  10. I still insist on getting temperatures in Fahrenheit. I just don't understand Celsius, but I do convert the Fahrenheit when blogging so the rest of the world will know what I'm talking about!

  11. I don't understand a people who like degF, lbs and ozs, etc. but appear to be comfortable with a metric style currency. Why not convert to pounds, shillings and pence? (I prefer my euros!!)

  12. Celsius makes sense. 32 degrees is boiling hot, not the freezing mark.
