Thursday, July 13, 2023


With summer's scorching temperatures recently we had been pretty much confined to our home.

It is supposed to surpass the 100 degree mark this weekend.

So late yesterday afternoon I suggested we visit nearby Yavapai Lake and watch the ducks for awhile.

It's a small lake, more of a pond really, but catching it in the right light with the fountain going in the center can provide some nice views.

And gazing at that water, one can actually feel cooler.

The duck population has severely diminished as many may have migrated north seeking cooler weather.

But there were enough to amuse us.

These two swam back and forth constantly staying in close proximity to each other.

We watched and conjured up fantasies about their relationship.

First date, maybe?

Many people were walking and some even jogging on the path alongside the lake.

We, however, remained in the car with the air conditioning running.

With advancing age comes loss of energy and mobility but growing wisdom, I like to think.

We are fortunate to have this little lake only a few minutes away.