Sunday, July 9, 2023


Some of you old-timers may remember a "cowboy" born in New York City who came to Arizona to engage in ranching, drinking and politics.

With his mouthy expressions, he became a legend.

Sam Steiger was elected to the Arizona State Senate and later to Congress, where he served five terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

He also served as Mayor of Prescott after losing several other elections.

And the controversial Steiger allegedly referred to Prescott Valley as "Jackass Flats".

But that was then and this is now.

I wonder what he'd think of it today.

Prescott Valley has passed Steiger's old stomping grounds of Prescott in population and it's growing by leaps and bounds.

A huge building project is underway just steps away from the Town Center.

This is only the parking garage.

When Legado, as the project is known, is completed next year there will be 329 new apartments, a 5,000 square foot rooftop restaurant open to the public and 8,000 square feet of commercial real estate available at ground level.

The design is called a Texas Wrap, where the housing and commercial spaces will surround the parking garage.

It's right across the street from the town's big event center and walking distance from shopping, medical offices, and entertainment.

Not bad for a place that still calls itself a "town" rather than the thriving city it has become.

Sam Steiger died back in 2012 but I wonder if the old curmudgeon would have changed his tune about "Jackass Flats".


  1. Wow, that's a grand design! I love the walkability of it, as long as the weather isn't too hot. :)

  2. You guys are really going great guns! It would be a fun place to visit.

  3. My very first out of town news assignment was filming Sam Steiger’s announcement for Congress on the steps of the Ciurthouse in Prescott. Barry Goldwater also started all of his campaign announcements there.

  4. We’ll expect periodic updates and of course your review of the rooftop restaurant. tc cambria

  5. Maybe he'd call it "jackass mall."

  6. I remember Sam S. He spoke at at one or two professional meetings I attended back in the 80's. I think he would be very impressed with the growth. I am.

  7. Our town, Carleton Place, is growing a lot, but it is really all from being a bedroom suburb of Ottawa. We're not getting impressive new building like you. Just subdivisions.

  8. We live in a private community that has four floors of 1/4 mile long hallways lined with apartments, three restaurants, an auditorium, many smaller activity rooms, a library, a fitness center, a hair salon, and a care facility all under one roof. It's an amazing place to live.

  9. Sounds like he was quite a curmudgeon.

  10. I remember when Prescott Valley was just a blip on the road to Prescott. No trees and always, always windy. I am shocked at how it has grown and that we Prescottonians now need to go Prescott Valley for a lot of our shopping.
