Friday, May 10, 2024



Is it really Friday already?

This week has just shot by.

(sorry about that. if you've been reading.)

Anyway, let's all get ready for a Really Big Weekend.

Yup, it's Mothers' Day on Sunday!

But more important to me, it's another birthday for SWMBO!

Yes, Judith is . . . . once again . . . . about to be . . . . KISSABLE!

As my friend, Tom in California, said the other day "Judy's journalistic chops are great!"

But he was talking about her skill as a news reporter and I cannot more agree with him.

She's a wonder, she is, and I just hope she appreciates the crowd of friends and relatives I have coming for her Big Day!

( . . . oh, Judy, I'm just kidding . . . )

But enough of this incessant chatter.

Let's get to the business of the day: LAUGHTER!

Let me hear you, Gentle Readers.

Now if you have to have a young(er) person explain that last one to you, don't feel bad.

I did.

And just a hint . . . it's a groaner.

As is this one . . . again.

So with that sad bit of humor, we shall end this week's thorny endeavor.

Let's all have a great weekend and try to struggle up come Monday Morning.

But whatever, always remember to KEEP LAUGHING!!!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. Happy Friday! I got the Friends joke so that made me feel good!
    Happy Birthday, Judy!! May you have a fabulous year!

  2. Love the Route 66 one and Happy Birthday to Judy!!!

  3. From a mile hight...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDITH G!

  4. Lisa Kudrow - hahahahaha! Happy birthday to SWMBO!!

  5. Thanks for the laughs this morning:)

  6. The week just shot by, was my favorite. Dee

  7. I don't get the Phoebe one, but loved all the others.

  8. Oh, I just read the answer in the comments. Duh!

  9. Huge enterprise--haha! Star Trek jokes are always a favorite. I gave up on fitted sheets long ago. I'll try not to take any shots at your puns. ;)

  10. Love the fitted sheets and the Kix. Didn't get the Friends one until I read the answer in the comments.
    Happy Birthday Judy.

  11. The Bug wins that round! Did not get Kudrow. Happy Birthday Judith!

  12. I always wondered about those "kix".

  13. Thanks for these Bruce and I hope y'all have a nice birthday celebration on Sunday. Happy Birthday Judy!

  14. Happy Birthday to someone special, and thanks for the laughs.

  15. OK, I had to read the comments before I got the Phoebe one. (And I love "Friends"!)

    Kix used to be my brother's favorite cereal. Haven't thought of it in years. I never liked it because, like Cheerios, it floated, and that annoyed me.

    1. And now, by the way, I cannot get the song "Michael Rowed the Boat Ashore" out of my head.

  16. These are great! Late to the party but laughing anyway.

  17. I'd have to have someone explain the Friends one. I hated that show.
