Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 I paid another visit to the site of the Legado project today.

Here's what I found.

All that remains of the 60 million dollar loss is a small part of the parking garage.

The combination housing and shopping complex is gone for now, just rubble being loaded into trucks to be hauled away.

The arsonist that caused all this at this point remains at large.


  1. Such a foolish, cowardly act. I hope there are plans to rebuild.

  2. What a waste. Do you think they'll rebuild? (Sorry if you've already answered that.)

  3. I'm both sad and mad at the waste of all that money and work. :(

  4. What a nasty thing this arsonist did. Sometimes when arson fires are set someone dies (not in this case). I hope they catch the criminal and rebuild.

  5. I wonder where such rubble is dumped, and if it is useful in any way.

  6. I really hope they catch that aronist and force him to help somehow with the rebuilding, maybe with the most tedious of the jobs that don't require training or certification. Sweeping and making sure the site toilets are clean and have sufficient paper perhaps.

  7. Again, that is so sad!
    ---Cheerful Monk

  8. Such a waste of some of the planet's precious resources.

  9. I made a stop at Aldi yesterday, just down US-1 from home, where a similar fire happened while the complex was under construction. It took 2-3 years to clear and rebuild the site.

  10. Such a waste of materials. Sad to see.
