Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 What do Florida and Arizona have in common?

It's 97 here in the foothills where I live.

111 down in Phoenix.

"But it's a dry heat!"

Bet you've heard that before.

Well, the humidity right now here is at 7 percent.

Now that's dry heat.

Kinda like the type that blasts you in the face when you open the oven door to check on your pizza.

But you can bet there won't be anyone in the back seat of your car waiting to kill you.


  1. If you lock your car there won't be anybody waiting in the back seat to kill you - be it Arizona or Florida. Also - you could always check the back seat before getting in. Have A Nice Day!

    1. Picky, picky! It's always a nice day in Arizona! 😊

  2. Dry heat is still heat although I would take your climate over Florida's ANY DAY. Humidity plus heat=monstrous.

  3. That's too hot! But one advantage of low humidity is things tend to cool off more at night. That helps for those of us without air-conditioned bedrooms.
    ---Cheerful Monk

  4. Okay. That meme was hilarious.

  5. 97 is too hot for me, with or without the humidity. I'm not happy with our current "winter" either, temps from 60 to 68F, (16-20C) although the 68 is quite acceptable if the cold wind isn't blowing. I am happiest at 71-82F, (22-28C). I can tolerate higher temps if I am at the beach where I can jump in and cool off, or at places where there is plenty of tree shade.

  6. Sauna, or steam room, an interesting choice.

  7. I've been hearing about your temperatures. I simply can't imagine those numbers. Given my choice, I'll take my chances with the occasional weirdo.

  8. One less thing to worry about!
