Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 I was stunned by what I observed in my home yesterday.

And no it is not a cross section of a human brain.

Never fear.

It was this.

A simple . . no, never dare I use that word "simple" . . a very *complex* red onion.

A thing of beauty.

It waited on a cutting board, next to its executioner.

Not executioner either.

But a tool to make it creatively appetizing.

But in the meantime . . in the rare moment when it awaits its fate, it is truly a thing of beauty.

And you wonder how I spend my days.


  1. I love it! You are spending your time wisely.
    ---Cheerful Monk

  2. I never looked that closely at a red onion but I will next time a cut one!
    I like your picture up on the header!

  3. purchased one today, and I have plans for it that include sourdough bread, mustard, sliced rare roast beef, horseradish and the red onion with it's lovely tang.

  4. It is good to notice things that may have been unnoticed for decades. We should try to never lose our curiosity nor our ability to be awe-struck.

  5. tc---can also smell that sweet pungency --nice photos

  6. Shall we count the rings to determine age, like with a tree?

  7. I hope the dismembering went without a hitch. I love a red onion.

  8. I recognised that onion right away, having seen similar in my own kitchen.

  9. I am about to go butcher one of those.

  10. I love little amazements like that. Right now, the evening light coming through the bathroom window bathes the whole end of the hall in a golden light. I have never seen it before, but it is beautiful. As summer progresses, the sun will change position, but right now, it is a little bit magic.

  11. A lot of artists actually use fruits & vegetables as stamps to paint with. You dip a section of that onion in paint and put it on paper and do some smaller ones and add a stem and leaves and you have a work of art!

  12. Such simple beauty. And how often we overlook it.
