Wednesday, August 7, 2024


We've been hit by a couple of thunderstorms yesterday and today.

The power was out here yesterday for exactly 30 minutes due to the storm.

But as luck would have it, we were in Prescott at a doctor's office and missed the whole thing.

We have a ditch in front of our property that handles water runoff but one side of it was clogged up and I had to clear it to get the water running.

We also have a channel across our front yard that takes what drains out of our eaves into that ditch and I cleaned a huge amount of debris out of it before the storm hit today.

I don't know if this is truly the monsoon since it doesn't appear to be coming up from Mexico but whatever it is it's welcome.

I'm hoping it soaks into the ground around my struggling tree.

So it goes in my part of the world.

I'm healing.

My wife and I are controlling my drinking.

I'm doing my exercises and visiting doctors.

I've NOT been paying attention to this blog so here's a little preview of Friday.

Tada!  That's all, folks!


  1. It doesn't feel like monsoon. We are finally getting it up here on the hill between 4 and 5 pm. Seems to bypass us. When I was at Costco it was pelting down pretty hard. Many of us pulled over to the side of the road on the way out. As I started for home again it was sleet and slushy ice on the road. It's August! And when I got home. The sidewalks were dry. Nothing had occurred here! I can remember in years past when it was monsoon rains like clockwork between 2 and 4 pm and a rainbow at the end of every day.

  2. We need rain, especially where the wildfires are. Sounds like you're making lots of progress! Being able to clear/ clean out a bunch of junk shows you're back to normalish.

  3. Controlling your drinking? Are there padlocks on the fridge and drinks cupboard or does Judy have a rifle trained on you?

  4. My brain thinks I am 18, my body just laughs at the idea.

  5. I love that second one and will pass it on. Take care.thank you for writing.
    —-Cheerful Monk

  6. Much success to you on this journey.

  7. We can use a bit of your rain up here if you want to send some my way! I'm glad you are doing well and following the Doctor's orders! Keep up the good work!

  8. Love the hint of jokes to come. Glad that you are healing nicely.

  9. I had to go back and read through your posts (I have been quite negligent in keeping up with everyone) so that I could figure out why you are healing. Got it now. Can relate to falling down, but not because of alcohol, but because I’m not very coordinated. Once was bad, twice was alarming, and the third time I though my spousal unit was going to wrap me in bubble wrap and never let me out again. Haha. I didn’t hit my head though, and I hope you are ok!
    Love the memes, my fav being the one about washing and vacuuming the seniors....:-)

  10. Good to hear you are doing better. I try to help my husband control his drinking but he resents it so it's a struggle. He isn't a heavy drinker but he is diabetic and if he drinks on an empty stomach it just slams him. I have to be very diligent. He denies that it's an issue, even though he has had several serious falls, so it's stressful. Wish he had your common sense.

  11. The washing part I probably wouldn't mind, but don't let anybody try vacuuming me!

  12. We've had a fair bit of rain over the summer.
