Saturday, January 25, 2025


My Friday nights in the kitchen are spent experimenting.

The subject is a frozen pizza from the store.

Last night I went all out.

Brushed melted butter on the crust all around the edge, then sprinkled Everything Bagel spice on it.

Chopped up a red and a yellow mini-pepper and some onion and tossed them all over the surface.

Then added a lot of mini-slices of pepperoni and some small chunks of mozzarella.

Topped it all off with Italian spice mix and oregano and a tad of crushed red peppers.

Out of the oven and rested for a few minutes, then sliced it and dove in.

SWMBO, who loves pepperoni pizza, pronounced it excellent.

I have a few pieces left over to be reheated for my "breakfast" today.


  1. I wish my digestive system would allow me to eat pizza! Yours sounds divine.

  2. That is one of my go-tos as well. It doesn't have to be an expensive pizza to taste like one. I buy an inexpensive rising crust pizza and add the toppings. Never thought of doctoring the crust though. That is a dandy idea!

  3. My mom calls that "doctoring up" a pizza and it works. I like to customize mine too!

  4. There should be a new TV show: "Chow Time With Uncle Bruce". Sounds like you made an ordinary pizza into something special. Keep up the good work!

  5. Looks great! I have to make two halves when I do that. Hick doesn't like peppers or green olives, and I don't like pepperoni. We both enjoy the canned mushrooms and diced onion and extra cheese. I have not tried any experiments with the crust.

  6. I must remember this one, It sounds good.

  7. I would love to try it!!

  8. It seems to be the week for pizzas. I made my own last night too, with storebought bases, that turned out to be like chewy cardboard, so I ate just the toppings of my portion along with several slices of garlic bread. The rest of the pizzas (I made two) are in the freezer so I can eat the toppings at some later date.
    Your pizzas look delicious.

  9. Huh! It never occurred to me that we could add toppings to a frozen pizza to make it much tastier. Excellent idea!

  10. Damn that looks fabulous. Nothing like cold pizza for breakfast. yea, i don't heat it. Especially with a hang over. :-)

  11. Yum! That sounds pretty incredible.
