Friday, March 7, 2025


Just when you thought you'd never laugh again, here comes The Pre-Weekend Peregrination through the Humor Archives with your genial host, Bruce on the Loose.  (aka Catalyst)

So either stand on your heads or find some other way to turn those frowns into smiles and take a break from your cares and worries to spend a moment or two laughing at this silliness.

I guarantee you'll feel better.

You're laughing!

You're laughing!

Didn't I tell you you'd feel better?

Now get out in the sunshine this weekend, breathe in that fresh Spring air and . . . oh, you say it's snowing where you live?

Well then get out there and throw a few snowballs or build a snowman.

Wherever you live and whatever the weather, try to have a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. TGIF! Whew! Another week behind us. These were all so good and very surprised to see Star Trek as a cartoon. Your archives must be amazing.

  2. Bravo on your selections this week, they were all winners. Oh, and it’s raining here today so no sunshine, but we really need it.

  3. A great collection, made me laugh, I needed that. And I will get out this weekend.

  4. Thanks for the laughs this morning:)

  5. These were all so funny. We had such a good laugh at each one. And yes, we read the top line wrong. LOL! (NewRobin13)

    1. I read the top line wrong too, Robin! Hope you both doing well!

  6. Sunny yesterday and today, but not so much this weekend. Oh, well! I think those painted potatoes look nice although you'd need a lot of paint. :)

  7. Please explain the "I'd like to buy a fowl" one. I didn't get it.

    1. There's an American game show called "Wheel of Fortune", where contestants can opt to "Buy a vowel". You may not have seen it.

  8. You are right. I didn't think I'd laugh again. We hereby appoint you Chief of Staff for the Federal Department of Morale.

  9. Seems like a waste of potatoes to me. Paint rocks instead.

  10. I DID read that top line wrong!

  11. I missed these yesterday! Yes, I am laughing, very quietly because Larry is already asleep. That roach one though, you might have something there...
