Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Smears, Lies and Politics as usual

Someone I know told me today that they would vote for John McCain for President this year. I respect this person but I can't respect their reasons. #1 was Barack Obama's supposed relationship with 1960's Weatherman William Ayres. #2 was his relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

You can find Senator Obama's explanation on this web site.

I must admit I have never been a fan of Senator John McCain but I sympathized with him when his 2000 presidential campaign was derailed by smears and lies from the George Bush campaign in South Carolina.

What really disappoints me is that Senator McCain has now adopted this same campaign tactic to try to defeat Senator Obama.

Johnny, we hardly knew ye.

p.s. I voted yesterday by early ballot. For Senator Barack Obama.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


As the BRD was moving this week, she and SWMBO traded living room furniture. Whereas ours was wicker with an off-white upholstery, the BRD's was big, puffy and dark green.

On moving day, Jazz holed up on a shelf in a bedroom closet and stayed there for 8 hours or so. Finally, in the evening, she came out and walked (or stalked) very slowly over to the big couch and carefully began sniffing it. Not only is it new, it carries the scent of a couple of strange cats.

But by last night, Muggles (left) and Smoke (center) seem to have made their peace with it. Jazz (right) is still sniffing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

McCain v. Obama

O.K. I'm sorry. I really meant to keep politics off this blog. For the most part. But I can't hold myself back.

During the primary season, I was a strong backer of Hillary Clinton, which led to a bit of a contretemps with Phoebe Fay, during which we didn't talk for quite awhile. But I'm over that now. Her guy won and I now support him fervidly.

So fervidly, in fact, that I am ready to wring John McCain's neck. This guy, who had a pretty decent reputation except for his temper, the Keating episode, his drinking, his gambling, his disgraceful treatment of his first wife and, of course, his lying ways that pissed off many voters in the Arizona Republican (not to mention Democratic) party. Even McCain has said "Barry Goldwater never liked me. I'm not sure why." Well, hell, John, I think I can tell you. Barry was a man of his word and you never were, in spite of all your politi-speak bullshit about "straight talk" and "maverick". We could trust Barry, whether we agreed with him or not, to say and MEAN what he said. That was REAL straight talk.

Yours - isn't.

But even more so, in this campaign, against a Democratic candidate who seems to be, above all, decent . . . you, John McCain, have been a complete ass. Your arrogant attitude at the first debate. The lies you or your campaign have been spewing forth while you keep talking about how honest and straightforward you are. Your complete rudeness to Barack Obama when he tries to "make nice" with you.

I'm sorry, my fellow Arizonans and Republicans nationwide, this guy (McCain) is running a desperate campaign worthy only of Karl Rove and his numbers are sinking by the day.

O.K. That's enough.

For now.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Moving Day

The BRD is moving today.

Frankly, I think I would be a little concerned about the names of these guys but . . .

Actually, Frank and Jesse were nowhere in sight. The boss guy was Bill and I forget the other fellow's name but they worked like galley slaves for five hours filling their truck with the contents of the BRD's half of the duplex.

The BRD will be much happier in her new place. It's a house with a couple of thousand square feet and she'll have room to spread out and fill the house with all of her beautiful art work.

But . . I've moved way more times than I ever wanted and neither SWMBO or I could handle it again, even with hired movers.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


What was your favorite Paul Newman movie?

I'd have to argue for "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" with his buddy, Robert Redford.

Then, of course, there was that irrepressible bad boy in "Cool Hand Luke."

Southern charm, with Elizabeth Taylor, in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof."

Paul got back with his pal, Redford, in "The Sting".

Ah, there were so many great movies. Newman made about 60, including "The Hustler", and it's sequel "The Color of Money", "The Long Hot Summer", (this picture may have come from that one.)

There was "Exodus", "The Silver Chalice" (that's the one Paul hated), who could forget "Hud" (Patricia Neal certainly couldn't!), "Winning" (the movie that started his interest in auto racing), "Sometimes A Great Notion", "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean", "The Verdict", "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge", "Road to Perdition" and "Empire Falls" . . . just to name a few.

Newman said he didn't read reviews of his movies because the good ones give you a fat head and the bad ones make you depressed for three weeks.

But . . . what was your favorite Newman movie?

Whatever it was, we'll remember this guy, and those amazing blue eyes, for a long, long time.

Sad news

American actor Paul Newman has died of cancer at 83.


Friday, September 26, 2008

The Debate

Well, the first presidential debate of this year is over. What did you think?

SWMBO and I agreed (Amazing) that it was pretty much a draw. I thought McCain lost points by his constant repetition of "Senator Obama just doesn't understand" . . . and his refusal to ever look in his direction. But, as far as talking points went, we thought it was about a draw.

Everyone I've talked to since says the same.

But that's good for Obama. (And I might add, good for America) He was ahead and this should keep him ahead.

Let's face it. John McCain is not someone we want for the next president. And, more important, Sarah Palin is not someone we want for the next vice-president. Or, god forbid, the next president.

So let's face it, folks. This year, vote Democrat!