Monday, August 31, 2020


We had a good though brief rain yesterday.

But these photographs were actually taken the evening before, when someone else got it.

The moon was rising through the clouds and was greeted by a rainbow.

Later the moon was obscured by a cloud bank but the rainbow shone brighter than ever.

And then the setting sun glorified the clouds with color.

All in all, it was quite a sky show.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Saturday, August 29, 2020


"I am NOT fat! I'm muscular!"

"Oh never mind him. I wish we could take a bath in this."

"But it's too deep, we'd drown."

"Hey, guys, up here!  I found a better bathtub!"

"I think he's right.  This IS better."

"That was refreshing. I'll just sit up here to dry off."

"I don't think so, pal. This is MY territory."

"Are those guys gone yet? All that yapping drives me crazy."

Friday, August 28, 2020


I know, I know, it's been a rough week.

But I am here to give you solace.


Thanks to a new contributor, Rollicking Robin, for this next one.

All right, already, I'll stop.

While ceasing can cancel the cacophony, please seek out caprice, comedy, camaraderie and constant cackling this last weekend in August.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, yeah . . .)

Thursday, August 27, 2020


I just ran across another photo from our day atop Squaw Peak (Piestewa Peak) and had to add it.

Judy's younger daughter, Caryn, also climbed to the top that day and was exultant.

M-I-C-K-E-Y . . . .


Back in 1972 our family of young renegades moved from Indiana to Phoenix, Arizona and one of the primary challenges was to climb to the top of this mountain in the city.

Back then, and since at least 1910, it was known as Squaw Peak.

Later it was renamed Piestewa Peak after Lori Ann Piestewa, the first Native American woman to die from combat in the U.S. Military and the first woman to die in action in the Iraq War.

The mountain is a little over 2,600 feet high and sited in a park in the city.

It is a popular hiking spot so we decided to scale it one weekend.

We began clambering over rocks straight up the north side and near the top we stumbled across a trail.

Then Judy and I suddenly began being pelted with pebbles from above.

Looking up we saw this rascal.

That's Judy's son Scott, whom we had lost track of during our rugged ascent.

He had found the trail to the top much earlier and was waiting at the summit for us to appear.

Well, we finally made it.

As his mother and I panted and sat enjoying the view of the Valley of the Sun below us, Scott had to show off his daredevil tendancy.

I did refrain from shoving him but just to get even here's his picture from an earlier time in his life.

He was a newborn then and SWMBO has threatened me with my life if I say when it was taken.

(By the way, the much-more-fit-than-we-were run all the way to the summit and make it in about 20 minutes or less.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


A few years ago, the BRD proudly graduated from high school in Indianapolis, Indiana.

She wasn't always rich but she's always been beautiful.