Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday evening
Whiskey and water.
Smell of grilled meat.
Diamondbacks win.
SWMBO clipping rose hips.
Smoke hanging out.
A trip to the (new) neighbor.
Her neighbor out grilling steaks on a barbecue grill.
Stop for a quick visit.
He's bare from the waist up, except for numerous tattoos. But he's a gentle man, in spite of his unmufflered car, truck and motorcycle.
A talk with the new neighbor about her love of cats, including Smoke (she already knew his name.)
Later, after TV dinners, a wonderful strawberry shortcake.
Nice evening.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Car Sale
Monday, May 26, 2008
Accidental Scott
Though we've been married for 37 years, it's not our first rodeo.
I was married before and so was SWMBO.
And we both have sons named Scott! Curiously, I guess, my kids have never met her kids. And none of them are kids anymore.
This story is about SWMBO's Scott.

In this picture of him in California a year or two ago, I think of him as "Indiana Scott." Which is fitting, not just because of the hat, but because he actually lives in Indiana, where he grew up.
We had a telephone call from him about a week ago in which he told his mother "I thought I'd better call you before you find this out from somebody else."
Scott is a contractor and a remodeler and a damned good one at that. But he has a tendency to be a little stubborn. When a refrigerator was delivered to a construction site, he asked the delivery man with some help moving it into the house.
"Not my job", said the delivery man.
So Scott . . . being Scott . . . said "All right, I'll do it myself!"
Well . . . that didn't work out so well. The fridge fell over onto Scott, breaking two bones in his left leg.
He told his Mom that he had broken one of his own rules. He had employees on site who could have and would have helped him but his orneriness took over.
So, he had surgery and his left leg is now full of screws and staples and he's trying to be patient. That is not a good trait of his: patience.
But he has a sense of humor. Some years ago, some friends of his gave him a lift somewhere and as he got out of the car, he got hit by another car and broke two bones in his right leg.
As he told his Mom, "Now I've got a matched pair!"
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Weddings, anyone?

After all, who doesn't dream of being married surrounded by roses. Just step into my bower, dear hearts, and I shall be happy to commit you to a life of (a. happiness, b. misery == pick one).

Sometimes, my brain just stuns me.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Me and the Times
So, I've decided to bare my soul and tell you of my problems with the Newspaper of Record, the New York Times.
For months, maybe years, now I've been taking the Sunday Times delivered to my driveway. Since I live in Lower Butf--k, Arizona, I find this amazing at best. Every Sunday morning, I open my door and there lies the Times in my driveway. Except some Sunday mornings when the delivery guy has had a meth overdose or something and my paper didn't arrive. Or some mornings when it's been lying in the rain or snow for long enough to soak it through. (Note: you can't dry it out in the microwave.)
For this great convenience (mainly for SWMBO who gets through the whole paper in one day while it takes me two, three, four or more days) I pay the New Yorkers 26 bucks a month.
Until this month. I noticed a payment deducted from my bank account on May 6th for $52. Well!!! I called the Times (very convenient: 1-800-NYTIMES) and was told I had been double-billed because I had not paid anything in April. I checked. Yes, I had. My bank account had been debited for $26 on April 8th. I told the guy on the phone about it and he said they had no record of it. I faxed them the proof. (This was on about my third conversation with a third person - - you never get the same guy or gal twice.)
Everyone I talked to said the same thing: we have no record of it but the billing department has opened an investigation and we'll get back to you. I finally asked them to tell the billing department to call me. They never did.
So last night, I e-mailed the Publisher (Arthur Sulzberger Jr.) and the President and General Manager (Scott H. Heekin-Canedy), told them the whole story and asked for their prompt attention.
This morning at 8:15 I received a call from someone who said her name was Tanya, who sounded cooperative, or perhaps cowed, who asked me to fax all the bank proofs of my various payments (which now are $78 more than I owe) and she would definitely take care of it. She gave me her private, direct telephone number. She was very sympathetic.
Of course, this is Friday. The beginning of the Memorial Day weekend. I am hoping that maybe, just maybe, by next Tuesday I will hear something back. If not, maybe Mr. Sulzberger and Mr. Heekin-Canedy (what kind of a name is that?) will receive yet another e-mail from me.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Grillin' 'n' Chillin'

Saturday, May 17, 2008
But I haven't seen a single comment about the ugly hillside drivers are confronted with as they enter Prescott from the east. As graders and bulldozers have carved away at another hillside to make way for the long awaited highway intersection improvements, they have draped the top of the remaining dirt with some strange type of netting. This has offered (from my car) the rather odd two-toned view as one enters the town. Certainly distracting and definitely not a pretty entrance to the city.
Where are the letters? Or have their authors just given up?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
More flowers - more snow!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Through the lens, blurrily!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
And as we left the stadium, every attendee was given a small paper coupon like this:

I am happy to say that I have claimed several of these coupons on the occasion of games I have attended. The Chalupas are good and they usually represent a Diamondbacks victory.
Our team is now 21 and 9 for the year with the best record in the Major Leagues by nearly 100 points. Brandon Webb, who got the win today, is the top pitcher in the game with a 7 and 0 start. If you want to read more about the game and today's star - Augie Ojeda - go here.